When you buy from XYZ you will have access to our free lifetime support help line. This is something that we decided to do from day one. Aftersales support is one of the key aspects of a machine purchase.
When you buy from XYZ you will have access to our free support help line. This is something that we decided to do from day one. Aftersales support is one of the key aspects of a machine purchase.
When you buy from XYZ you will have access to our free lifetime support help line. This is something that we decided to do from day one. Aftersales support is one of the key aspects of a machine purchase.
Used Swarf Conveyor for CNC machines, Overall dimensions 2,600, x 500 x 1,280mm high, Drop to floor 680mm, Tray under machine 1,600mm long x 260mm wide – conveyor opening 1,040mm long. From XYZ 710
Used Cromar Swarf Conveyor for CNC Machines, Suitable for Cast Iron, 2015, s/n M450001A, Overall dimensions 3,700mm x 1,060mm x 1,700mm high, Drop to floor 1,200mm, Tray opening 2,600mm long x 400mm wide.
Energy saving Hybrid option that’s almost equivalent to all-electric moulding machines Allows for energy saving of up to 70% Quick injection response time Stability in low velocity / low pressure and wide range Injection velocity – from ultra-low...